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Showing posts from April, 2022

Allergic to drama

​I have a bad allergy and it's probably not what you think .… Seriously… My body has a full on physiological response…. My stomach turns… My teeth tighten… My temperature rises… Until I eventually hit a threshold. Maybe it’s my Enneagram type. Maybe its my long history of not seeing the value in it since childhood. Or maybe I recognize its Maybeline and you’re just putting make up over the real issue. If we’re going to have a conversation and my subconscious mind gets the itch this is turning into drama… be prepared for one of two responses. If I care about you, I will ask questions that will eventually lead you to the actual problem. If I don’t care about you, I will politely listen until you have recognized I am not going to feed your BS. I get it, sometimes we all need to vent. If you’re like me and can’t stand drama, let me give you some help that made all the difference in the world for me. There are 3 sides to drama and this is the cycle. The Persecutor The Victim The Rescuer...

3 Ways to Help a Stressed out Team

On a quest to get 100 quality responses, I recently I asked several people this question:  I am launching a new podcast later this year and a few other programs too and had a quick question if you don’t mind- what would you say is the single biggest challenge you’re currently facing in your life or business right now? As you can imagine, there have been an assortment of answers.  Here's one topic that does seem to be trending for the current events.  Employee fatigue.  Seems we're seeing a struggle with keeping team members focused (that's of course if we can find people that actually want to work).  I guess this one stands out to me because of my role as a Regional Coach for a large Real Estate Expansion team.  I see it with them and I hear about it concerning buyers they are working with too.   Here are 3 things that will make a big difference in how you lead.  I trust this helps.   About Spencer Combs: Spencer Combs is a business...

My Bad. My Offer.

My assumptions may have damaged our connection.  It reminds me of a moment I experienced a few years ago.  At the time, I had over 100 coaching clients in a small ecosystem.  My ego was bruised within seconds.   As I walked into a training room with every bit of confidence I had, I began sharing helpful info from the back of the room.  The Trainer at the front of the room was gracious enough to let me interrupt.  Then, everything stopped when one student spoke up.  She simply asked, "and who are you?"  I stood there and felt embarrassed.  I came in guns blazing without making a simple introduction.  The lesson was quick and slightly painful.   That was my bad.  Here's the lesson.  No one is interested in all of the value we can bring until they connect with you.  I've even preached it for years, you have to connect before you can convert.  This is one time I failed at my own principle.   Here ...