Do you have something in the back of your mind that just keeps bugging you? You know, that one thing that you avoid because it scares you. However, you just know it’s the right thing to do because it would do wonders for your life or business. We usually refer to these things as “shoulds”. We often say things like “I should be…” and they are usually followed up with “but…”. Yeah, the ‘but” is always out there. The common view on these items is that we are to have complete lack of fear for us to take the appropriate action. Oh what a mistake that is! We see others that seem to have it all together. Nothing seems stops them. They are more proactive, they get more done in less time, they just “have it”. All too often we look at these individuals as “having it” like that is some sort of mystical force that we are unable to acquire. They just exhume a sense of fearlessness. I am in front of large groups of people quite often to speak and it amazes me the n...
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