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Showing posts from January, 2022

Why Is This So Hard?

Some of you know that I have really wanted to write a book for a long time.  Be prepared to read here a vulnerable conversation I've been having with myself for the last couple of months.   The verbal soup in my head is relentless and #MomentumTribe deserves a well thought out and articulated version of almost 20 years experience.  You’d think that was reason enough to make it happen.  And yet, here I am with one pathetic book published a decade ago and another digital one in 2018.  Why does writing have to be so hard?   Layer on top of those the books I’ve read and think to myself, damn I could have easily put that on paper too.  Those authors are out proclaiming their sound message while I’m still over here sipping on my soup.   This morning, as I looked at my screen I thought to myself: “Why is this so hard?” Ugh.  And then immediately my mind kicked in… ​ The quality of your life is in direct response to the quality of the ...

The Second Obstacle

When we wrote about the first obstacle last week it only took that much time to surface the second obstacle.  If you didn’t get a chance to see the first one, find it  here .  Basically we unraveled the conversation around having a clear and compelling outcome.  Without it, you’re doomed to consistent feelings of failure.   What do you think happens when we write down our outcomes?  Do you typically just go after it?  If so, how long does that level of intensity last before you begin to re-address that outcome?  In my experience, it's only about a week or two before I start rethinking things.  Maybe it’s longer for you, but for me I find myself looking at other options.   I noted last week that I recently took on over 70 real estate agents to Coach and this second obstacle has already begun to surface. ​ Let’s face it, we live in a stimulus-rich environment.  There’s pings, blips, dots, reels, posts, on and on.  So mu...


It doesn’t matter that I have been evaluating businesses and the people running them for close to two decades, there’s one thing that always seems to be the first obstacle.   When I agreed to take on a Coaching role with 75+ real estate agents across 3 states, it's best practice for me to touch base with each person and discuss their current state of affairs.  Establishing the gap is a primary skill in this work and this week hasn’t been any different.  Maybe this is why we naturally hide from a coaching relationship?  Nobody wants to know there’s a gap between where they are and where they want to be.  If you’re like me, you want the direct path.  I’m not really interested in knowing about the chasm between here and there.  So what is that first obstacle you ask?   ​ Let’s first talk about what it’s not.  It’s rarely ever an issue of ambition, motivation, or flexibility. Take less than 3 minutes on social media and you’ll see plent...

LOL. the attention span of a gnat

Planning is my gig.  I’m a consummate strategist.  It’s one of the natural traits that helps me work with business owners.  The downside is that I struggle with being in the moment.  I’m the guy over in the corner thinking about what comes next at a social event while others are soaking up the moment.  Since recognizing this several years ago, I have gotten much better… way better at that.  The pivotal exercise that made all the difference is what I affectionately call my W.R.A.P. Sheet.  Weekly Results And Planning.   If you struggled in the past with setting goals and not seeing them to fruition, this can help.  If you’ve struggled with popping off with new ideas and just moving on to the next one before finishing the last one, a WRAP session can help.   Without it, I have the attention span of a gnat.  And when you’re borderline ADD, maintaining momentum on any given focus, it takes a system.  The WRAP Sheet System...